Los siguientes pasajes extraídos de dos revistas profesionales describen el pabellón de SL.
La revista The Electrical Engineer (Volumen 3, Junio de 1889) describe la escena: "Sautter, Lemonnier, et Cie., who supply the light for the Eiffel Tower, fill a central position with a building representing the top of a lighthouse fitted with a revolving electric light in all details. This is surrounded at the base with ship dynamos, portable installations for war purposes and dynamos for torpado boats." 2
La revista Industries and Iron (Volumen 6) contribuye a la descripción: "The central stand, that of MM, Sautter, Lemonnier, et Cie., of Paris, who do all the electric lighting on the Eiffel Tower, including the lighthouse and projectors at the top, is now practically complete. It is surmounted by a lighthouse lamp of the second order, with a revolving Kata-dioptic lens, which is shown in action at night." 3
Es realmente triste y vergonzoso que esta estructura centenaria yace olvidada y hecha ruinas en la Isla de Mona.
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Faro en la Exhibición Universal de Paris, 1889. 5 |
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Galería de las maquinas. Exhibición Universal de Paris, 1889. 5 |
Mas información sobre el sistema de alumbrado marítimo de Puerto Rico en: https://sites.google.com/view/redescubriendoapuertorico/faros
1. (1888). Expediente de aprobación del proyecto de construcción de un faro en la isla Mona. [Correspondencia]. Archivo Histórico Nacional, ULTRAMAR, 411, Exp.4. http://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas20/catalogo/description/1320294
2. (1889) The Paris Exhibition. The Electrical Engineer. vol. 3, June, 21 1889. p. 490. Recobrado de https://books.google.com/books?id=QKzmAAAAMAAJ&lpg=PA491&dq=Sautter%2C%20Lemonnier%20et%20Cie%201889%20exhibition%20lighthouse&pg=PA490#v=onepage&q&f=false
3. (1889) The Paris Exhibition. Industries. vol. 6, June, 7 1889. p. 531. Recobrado de https://books.google.com/books?id=RoAxAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA531&lpg=PA531&dq=Sautter,+Lemonnier+et+Cie+1889+exhibition+lighthouse&source=bl&ots=WEvZu62OyC&sig=hbmZDyPN8Iq1iMgPhp7IvuMRS64&hl=en&sa=X&ei=x-pkUaGYOYe9iwKy6oGwBQ&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Sautter%2C%20Lemonnier%20et%20Cie%201889%20exhibition%20lighthouse&f=false
4. (1889). [Interior of Gallery of Machines, showing machinery, Paris Exposition, 1889] [Fotografía]. Recobrado de http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/93516697/
5. (1977). [DETAIL VIEW SHOWING LANTERN AND BALCONY - Isla de Mona Light, Mona Island, Cabo Rojo, Cabo Rojo Municipio, PR] [Fotografía]. Recobrado de http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/pr0047.photos.143465p/